Before knowing about Oxford Comma Memes, let’s learn about Oxford Comma. Its placement is before the conjunction and at the end of a list of things. For example, in a line like the dress was a combination of red, white, and blue, Here The Oxford comma would be the one appearing before the ‘and.’ The practice of the Oxford comma is controversial because it is part of the house style of Oxford University Press.
50+ Funny Oxford Comma Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
As an oxford comma can change the meaning of any sentence, people start comparing lines with the oxford comma and lines without it. It became trending meme content on social media in 2018. Till now, people have liked to enjoy small riddles in English without oxford commas.
On social media like Instagram and Facebook, people enjoy sharing Oxford Comma meme because without the oxford comma, the actual meaning changes and make the post funnier. For example, in a viral meme, a lady chef said, “I love cooking my pets and my family,” and the reply was, “Do not be a serial killer. Use an oxford comma and love cooking; your pet, and your family”. So, see how the meaning differs between hell and heaven without the oxford comma. People love making Oxford comma memes with different punch lines and relative images on social media. All memes related to the oxford comma gained popularity on social media. Likes and share depend on how much the sentence sound funnier without an Oxford comma. This concept of using the Oxford comma is not only meme content. It also gives a good lesson about English and how to use the Oxford comma. That is why people on social media enjoy English learning funnily.
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