Everyone out here is curious to know about there future so to solve this problem a new ‘fortunetelling’ app has been launched. All you need to do is log on to betagoogle.com and type in any question in search bar and with just one click you will get answer to the solution for the problems of Syrian refugees which are thousands in number.
Betagoogle.com , which identifies itself as a fake Google site, bills itself as a fortune teller which promises to tell future of people. One you type in your search keyword in search box then the site pops up with a message “Of course we can’t predict your future! But 60 million refugees ask themselves every day if they have a future at all…Please take a moment to think of their future.” A image of a crystal ball shows the increasing number of people becoming new refugees everyday. This image suggest that you give some donation to the refugees who are struggling to live life.
The fortune telling site betagoogle.com is not affiliated with Google in anyway and is registered by some third party from Netherland.
Google has already added banners to many of it’s site with donate button, this campaign which will raise $11 million for charity.