With Lockdown 5.0, PM Narendra Modi has announced Unlock 1. The government of Maharashtra has also initiated ‘Mission Begin Again’ with the commencement of Unlock 1. With such announcements, there is a huge relief coming up for people who were fed up of staying inside their homes

In this document, the government is permitting people to wander around the beaches, parks for physical exercise as well as activities. Mumbaikars, can now stroll around the beach, parks & specifically Marine Drive also! – For a walk, jogging and even cycling between 5 am to 7 pm.

Mumbaikars - Marine Drive, Beaches, Parks Are Open For Exercise But With Some Restrictions

On Thursday morning, there was a temporary hold on lockdown due to Cyclone Nisarga. Benefitting that hold, some people came up to Shivaji Park for exercise and jogging. In the evening, on the same day, some people were seen walking around Marine Drive and relaxing.

Mumbaikars, you can go out, but make sure to follow the Social Distancing Norms

In order to assure that people are following the social distancing norms, troops of Mumbai Police and BISF are continuously keeping an eye at popular places such as at Marine Drive, Nariman Point, Girgaon Chowpatty and many more. They make people follow the social distancing norms and ensure that people always put up a mask on.

Although the government is giving relaxation to the people during this era of Pandemic. It is of utmost necessity that people are cautious about their health. All the Mumbaikars going out, please stay safe and think of your family while you’re out.

We request everyone to please follow the guidelines laid out by the government. Your cautiousness will help in Fight Against Coronavirus and we will get back to normal quickly.