The coronavirus causes infection in the throat and nose. This is a common virus that does not cause any harm but the new type of coronavirus which has started in China and spread all over the world is the most fatal and dangerous one. It does not spread by air but by contacting a person who is infected with this virus. This is the virus that can infect animals as well as human beings. People who have pets must be very careful about this virus.

Coronavirus Symptoms, Risks, And Remedies Everyone Needs To Know
The coronavirus has existed for a long time but the recent outbreak is scathing and fatal. It can be spread by touching the doorknobs, by touching the infected person’s hand, face, through sneezing and coughing. This virus also affects birds and all living organisms. This is the reason, you have to be careful and take extra caution with hygiene. This virus gives severe cold and constant illness. This is a virus that is spreading like an epidemic and has no cure.

This virus is also spread by shaking hands. Very young and old people are likely to develop health complications because of this virus. Pregnant women must take extra precautions and stay sanitized before having meals or touching any items. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing as doing this helps in the prevention of the disease. Respiratory complications and illnesses are caused because of this virus. As many as 80,000 people are contacted with this virus in China and is spreading like a wildfire all over the world. As many as 25 are affected by this virus. There is very little information available about this virus and it develops conditions like SARS and MERS. It has killed many people but can be cured at a mild stage.

What are SARS and MERS?

This virus leads to these two other viruses. It belongs to the coronavirus family. They are as lethal as coronavirus. This virus is more prevalent in Middle Eastern countries. This virus was first found in Saudi Arabia. SARS was found in China and is a life-threatening virus that gives a fatal form of pneumonia. The U.S, as well as many European countries, are affected by this virus. It also leads to gastrointestinal infections. You have to take extra caution when going to these countries as travelers are said to be infected with these viruses within 10 days of travel. Respiratory failure is the fatal effect of this virus.

 Symptoms of Coronavirus

  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Breathlessness
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Mucus
  • Chest pain

Precautions for travelers

Keep an alcohol-based sanitizer handy. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before you eat anything. Avoid touching your nose or face without washing your hands. Avoid contact with those who are affected by this virus. Even if you feel mildly sick, stay at home. It is good to stay indoors until you feel completely better. Avoid eating street food. Do not make close contact with anyone when you travel. It is good to disinfect surfaces and use disinfectants often to breathe germ-free air.

Take good rest, stay hydrated, and drink fluids. At an initial stage, when you follow these simple tips the virus goes on its own. Blood tests and physical examinations are conducted to detect this virus. Those who are tested positive for this virus are isolated and treated before air travel. Avoid frozen and cold foods. Eat hot foods and drink boiled water, especially, when you are traveling.

Global emergency


This virus has spread across the world and has become a global emergency. Within a month, this virus has spread to various countries originating from China. People eating animal meat could also be infected by this virus. Keep the numbers of healthcare professionals handy when you travel internationally. Wear a face mask when you are traveling to any country. Avoid staying in the same room as an infected person. Also sharing any items or eating from the plate or bowl of the infected person.

Always look for symptoms. Even if you are feeling even a little sick stay indoors and drink hot fluids and foods. Self-monitor yourself when traveling, stay cautious and hygenic. Maintaining good hygiene is the best way to prevent this infection. Ensure the bathrooms are clean wherever you travel. Choose the window seat on a plane and avoid using the middle seat in the plane. The temperatures of the passengers are checked before alighting the plane. Check the health news of the place where you want to travel and carry a mask and a sanitizer with you all the time.

Keep your immunity system strong

It is essential to build a strong immune system and eat foods that keep immunity strong. This is the best way to prevent this virus as well as other diseases. It takes 14 days to develop symptoms fully for this disease. It is important to prepare yourself before you travel anywhere, especially, countries that are infected by this virus.

Those who are severely affected by this illness are isolated and given aggressive treatment in intensive care units. It is said that this is not an airborne virus therefore it cannot be spread by air and only through contact with the infected person or animal. Stool tests are done as well to know if the person is infected or not.

Recommended vaccinations

Contact your healthcare provider to get the recommended vaccinations to prevent getting infected by this virus when you travel abroad. Get vaccinated before you travel to other countries. You will be recommended vaccinations when you travel to other countries. Avoid waiting rooms as it could let you come in contact with infected people.

In case if you want to lighten up your mood then checkout Coronavirus Memes and have a laugh at it and let it go.


Use all of these tips to stay safe, especially, when you go to places like Italy and other European countries where this virus is prevalent. Avoid going to China, Singapore, Bangkok, and most of the oriental countries where this virus is severely spreading. It is good to stay extra hygenic to avoid this virus. Always check if the visiting country has quarantine facilities for travelers and stay careful when you travel.