
50+ Funny Marks Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

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By Rohan Pandya


“Marks” in examinations – one of the scariest things that every student faces during their education period and there has always been a competition between how girls react when they get poor marks, and how boys react when they get poor marks. This comparison is a never-ending process, and it seems like the meme creators have taken complete advantage of this by creating marks memes that you can share.

50+ Funny Marks Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Let’s check out the funniest memes of all time here.

marks memes

Savage reply to the faculty

marks memes 11

Real Engineer

marks memes 10

Good Marks

marks memes

Passing is passing

marks memes 9

Desperate professor

marks memes 8


marks memes

Low marks

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marks memes 5 marks memes 4

Passing marks

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marks memes

Girls bragging

marks memeWhether it is a school exam, college exam, or any competitive exam, the marks are always in the limelight and everybody sees how much students have scored per subject. Based on those marks, their percentage is decided and they get a final result card in which everything is mentioned. It is a universal rule that if a girl scores 95%, she is still going to cry but if a boy scores just a passing percentage like 35 to 40%, he is going to celebrate the win with his gang.

Before the declaration of the result, there is a wave of nervousness, anxiety, and fear from which students pass through because based on their results only, the door of their dream career will open. Every single student should be confident enough on their result day and as legends have said that “a piece of paper cannot decide one’s future” – it is 100% true. If you are not able to score good marks, then it doesn’t mean you cannot achieve your goals. Send funny marks memes to your friends and remind them that they can convert all their dreams into reality.

Mark memes are easily available here, so without wasting any more time, go through the list and choose the best one according to you and send it to your mates! Also, don’t forget to stay tuned with us to see more interesting memes.

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Rohan Pandya

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Rohan Pandya is an Independent Journalist, Blogger, Youtuber, and entrepreneur who loves to explore the latest technology on the web every day. He thinks When You Are Young You Believe The Possibilities Are Endless.