
Facebook Added The Like Button With 6 Empathetic Emoji

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By Rohan Pandya


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hinted that Facebook was working on different ways to expand the like button in September, People were expecting to see the dislike button but the new update has made it way more empathetic. From Sadness To Wow Facebook announced that people will now be able to express anger, sadness, sympathy and can even love posts.

Mark Zuckerberg said that liking a post about tragic news story or death is not a good idea,”Not every moment is a good moment, and sometimes you just want a way to express empathy,” said Mark Zuckerberg.

facebook new like button emoji

“A like might not be the best way to express yourself.” said Chief Product Officer Chris Cox in a exclusive video which shows the new six buttons appear as emojis and pop ups when you long press the like button.

Facebook said that it would introduce this new feature in Spain and Ireland on Android, iOS and Desktop device. The feedback from this test will help in improving the new emoji feature on Facebook.

“As you can see, it’s not a ‘dislike’ button, though we hope it addresses the spirit of this request more broadly,” Cox wrote in his Facebook post. There was a debate on the internet about Facebook working on the dislike button if it could create negativity on the site and might cause cyberbullying. But Cox’s announcement was taken in a positive way and welcomed by people on the popular social media network.

Do let us know what do you feel about this new Facebook like feature by commenting below.

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Rohan Pandya

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Rohan Pandya is an Independent Journalist, Blogger, Youtuber, and entrepreneur who loves to explore the latest technology on the web every day. He thinks When You Are Young You Believe The Possibilities Are Endless.

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