Technology Top 10

Top 10 Best WordPress Plugins For All Websites Essential For Webmasters

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By Rohan Pandya


There are millions of sites on the internet. Some sites need plugins that have great functionalities. Some have excellent tools that help in extending and adding different features and functionality. If you want to add awesomeness to your website, then these are the best WordPress plugins for you. Some great plugins for your website are as follows to make work faster and smoother for you. If you are really good at creating useful WordPress plugins then you can easily make money online quickly by uploading it on site.

Best WordPress Plugins You Should Have in Your Website

top 10 best wordpress plugins for your website

Let’s Dive straight into the topic and find out the lists of best WordPress plugins available on the internet for free and paid both.

1) Contact Form 7

best wordpress plugin Contact form 7 download

If you want a plugin to build a various contact form, assure that every spam submission is checked by Askimet and can use reCaptcha then Contact Form 7 is the plugin for you. It is an extremely easy plugin that lets you ignore all other codings which allow you to create elegant contact forms which will lead you to have an enormous audience in-boxing you. The publishers of this contact form promise you that you will never have a better-designed contact form than Contact Form 7. The best part is it is available for free.

2) Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is the best wordpress plugin for better ranking on search engine

SEO is the minimum requirement of every website owner. Who does not want their website to come on the first page of the search result? Thus, you will need one SEO plugin to clear out all the traffic out of your way. Yoast SEO is the best among all the plugins that help out with the on-page search engine optimization. You might have conducted the standard keyword research this plugin will help you to optimize your latest content for the search engines. Yoast SEO takes care of everything from the h2 tags, metadata, keyword density and what not.

If you are a blogger then you must install Yoast SEO plugin in your WordPress website to do perfect onpage SEO for better ranking on the search engines.

3) Akismet Anti-Spam

Akismet Anti-Spam wordpress plugin

This is the only plugin that helps you to keep your spammers at a safe distance. Not just keeping the spammers away, but it also helps in maintaining a long time of integrity and decency of your website. This plugin reviews and also filters all comments which is uploaded on your website. It also provides a status history for you to check which comment is spam. You can see any less approved URL and remove from your website. It is free to download.

4) WooCommerce

WooCommerce best ecommerce wordpress plugin for websites

For whoever wanted to take a less easy road with all the eCommerce facilities, WooCommerce is just for those. It is the one-stop platform for all your issues regarding eCommerce. This plugin is everything that you want. It has a variety of options in eCommerce features, customization, and extension. This plugin will make trading on your website more comfortable than before. They have various kind of theme. This plugin is something that you will not find at this price. You can even indulge in a professional conversation with your customers.

5) TinyMCE Advanced

TinyMCE Advanced plugin

If you are someone who wants to track the real-time traffic details of the website that you own, then TinyMCE Advance is the best thing for you. You can get access to all your details without logging in any google analytical website or anything. Google Analytics Dashboard is the plugin that can be the ideal one for you. Just with a click, you can get access to streamline and simple backend experience of WordPress. You can now focus on what you are best at and leave any button searching behind you.

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6) WordFence Security

With the massive increase in the rates of cyber attacks and hacking of websites, the security of the sites has become more critical than ever before. WordFnce Security has both paid and free versions. It has various kind of tools that includes integrity verification and repair, rate limiting, IP whitelisting, IP blocking, blocking spam Google crawlers. This can even scan malware, virus, and backdoor. The plugin also alerts you via mail. The plugin even provides brute force hacking protection.

7) Google XML Sitemaps

Google XML Sitemaps best wordpress plugin for search engine ranking

Google XML Sitemaps is yet another extremely excellent SEO plugin for WordPress. This plugin helps search engines like Bing, Yahoo! Google and much more to navigate your website better. Just after installing the plugin gets activated it instantly builds an XML sitemap which makes it more convenient for the search engine bots who view, index and crawl your site. This is the best WordPress plugins which is a must for every webmaster.

8) WP Super cache

WP Super cache plugin for wordpress

The speed of your website is everything in the year 2019. With this plugin, you can achieve the ultimate baseline speed of your website. This plugin not only increases the speed of your website, but it makes the process far more easy and quick. It is a free plugin that you can use. The configuration of this plugin is exceptional. You can use it with all convenience. It generates static HTML files from the vast WordPress site.

9) Google Analytics Dashboard for WP by ExactMetric

Google Analytics Dashboard for WP by ExactMetric

If you want to track the real-time traffic whereabouts of the website that you own That too without logging in to the site, then this is the perfect plugin for you. The plugin not only lets you track the real-time traffic, stats and acquisition channel, it also allows you monitor the locations, referrers, keywords, analytic stats and 404 errors, sessions, page views, organic searches, bounce rates, and whatnot. The best part of this website is it is available for free, and you can use it for both commercial and personal use.

10) UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin

UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin

Nothing can be more annoying for any web designer or developer that they lose all the records of their hard work and website content because of faulty coding or update. But with UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup, you can schedule your backup. You can leave all the fear of losing your data and hard work behind. You can click on ‘Install’ and then just after. All your data gets backed up without any hassle or difficulties. This has excellent reviews and ratings from trusted customers.

Wrapup on Best WordPress Plugins

The list is curated, keeping in mind the necessities of a website owner. You can go ahead and do some additional research on these WordPress Plugins and install them. All of them are incredibly efficient and can work without any issues. You can rely on them without any worries. Try one today to get to know their efficiency.

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Rohan Pandya

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Rohan Pandya is an Independent Journalist, Blogger, Youtuber, and entrepreneur who loves to explore the latest technology on the web every day. He thinks When You Are Young You Believe The Possibilities Are Endless.