
70-Year Old Woman Gives Birth to Twins

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By Shreya Srivastava


Magic can take place anywhere, anytime and it can happen to anyone. When the universe has plans for you, then age becomes only a number and does not matter who you are or where you are. It is going to happen at all costs and the stars give you power to do that task. Something similar has happened with this African woman.

A woman can give birth to a child till 45 years old, but this lady turned the world upside down by giving birth at the age of 70 and to twins.

This can’t happen with the natural process. With the assistance of IVF technology, the woman was able to give birth to two kids and is healthy as well.

Who is this Woman & How did she deliver twins at 70?

The name of the woman is Safina Namukwaya and she is Africa’s oldest woman who was blessed with this powerful will of giving birth to two babies. Bringing lives into the world takes a lot of courage especially when you are this much old, and already a grandparent of a few kids.

While operating, the doctor delivered a baby boy and a baby girl, and gave the entire credit to Mother Nature by giving this mission the name “medical success”. The best part about the entire delivery was that the mother and babies were completely fit and fine.

Safina was at the top of the world after hearing this news, as she had been trying to become a mother for the past 40 years and was able to see her babies. Becoming a mother is a blessing, and age is no barrier in this situation because here the almighty god is holding your hands.

Why did Safina Decide to Give Birth at 70?

Safina was already a mother to a daughter but she experienced motherhood at quite an older age when women already had 2-3 children and she was having none. After giving birth to her first daughter Sarah, she decided to move ahead with IVF, as she wanted to bring twins to this world.

However, her journey of pregnancy was not normal, of course, age was a factor at that time but she went through all the challenges, fought with them with all of her power, and successfully gave birth to twins. She was tired of society’s comments, and where she was judged.

Nowadays, because of the IVF technology, becoming a mother has become a bit easier and many couples are taking advantage of it. Don’t hesitate to go with this procedure if you are not able to conceive through the natural process. IVF is normal and good.

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Shreya Srivastava

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Hola readers, shreya is my name! So, am I a girl with big dreams or am I a traveller? Well, none of them! I'm just a simple girl who loves to write twisty and creative content for her readers to educate them regarding what's going on in the world!