
1 lakh Cases in Mumbai by June-End? – What is BMC Doing For Citizens?

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By Anupam Chaturvedi


Today, the total number of COVID19 cases in Maharashtra crossed the mark of 1,00,000. Today, the total number of corona patients in India is also above 3,00,000. With almost 33% of cases of COVID19 positive cases in Maharashtra, situations in the state are much difficult than one can imagine!

1 lakh Cases in Mumbai by June-End? - What is BMC Doing For Citizens

Mumbai, the economical capital of India is also corona capital with almost 18.5% of COVID19 positive cases of India in the city. As of today, the total number of cases in Mumbai itself is 55,451. In the last 24 hours, we saw a spike of 1366 new corona positive cases in the city.

The total number of active cases in Mumbai is 28,248. While today 90 peoples in the city died of Corona, the total death toll is 2,044. With such huge numbers, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation is already worried about the times coming ahead!

What’s the estimation of BMC about Corona Cases in Mumbai by June End?

According to the BMC Officials, there is not a stable increase in the number of corona patients. By June-End, the number of COVID19 positive patients can be anywhere in between 75000 to 80000. We’re assuming that the total number of cases will be around 58000. And we’ve already started our preparations to accommodate such a huge amount of patients.

In order to manage all these patients, BMC is required to almost double the number of ICUs in the city. As per BMC’s data, there are 26,897 active cases on June 10. Out of them, 1,152 are occupying ICU beds, 3,905 oxygen beds, while 483 are on ventilators. It means 99% ICU Beds, 75% Oxygen Beds and 95% Ventilators are occupied in the city.

A BMC Official states,

“We are looking at double the number of cases, from the current 54,000, so the facilities will also have to be doubled. By the end of the month, BMC plans to set up 1,700 ICU beds from the current capacity of 1,163.”

On 10th June, BMC is having 5200 Oxygen beds. Their plan is to get that mark to 9000 to face the existing spike of patients. The health facilities will be extended further to smaller & private hospitals.

The official further added,

“Currently, 483 of the 507 ventilators are occupied. This also means that 1.79% of the total 26,897 patients need ventilators. By this logic, by month-end, if we are preparing for 58,000 active cases, we should have at least 850 ventilators”

Malad is already under a restricted zone because of a huge number of cases. We hope that BMC extends its capacity successfully so that we don’t lose many lives to Corona.

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Anupam Chaturvedi

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Engineer, Poet, Social Worker, Author, Marketer by Profession! A proud son of Mother India.