K12 education focuses on giving learners a reliable learning experience that will help them succeed through education. The skills and knowledge acquired in K12 are instrumental in all levels of learning. K12 education provides a supportive learning environment. The K12 learning environment offers learners practical solutions. On top of that, it provides counselors with the right decision making and career choices.

Technology has become a critical aspect of learning. Thanks to it, learners can use online essay and paper writing services like EssayService. At the same time, educators are using online platforms for knowledge transfer. Learning institutions are using big data to shape the learning environment. Learning analytics has aided teachers in K12 schools in the following ways.

1) Customized Learning

Students are different, and they have varying learning capacities. Some students may take a longer time to process and hold on to information; others are quick learners. Having the same lesson plans for the different students may not be the best approach to take.

Through learning analytics, educators can understand individual students’ learning patterns. With this, they can create a learning plan that works best for them. A custom lesson plan that focuses on the strengths and weaknesses is valuable.

Educators can create a personalized learning environment with student-centered classrooms that promote active learning and collaboration.

2) Pointing Out Students That Have Challenges Grasping Concepts

Through learning analytics, teachers can track students that perform not so well. That is through observing learning patterns and also evaluating students’ performance in exams. This helps educators identify the students in their class that needs extra attention. Extra help and materials from the educators help them catch up with the well-performing students.

This will be encouraging to the students and reduce instances of dropouts. Learning analytics is an eye-opener for educators. It guides them to provide students with the support they need even before they ask for it.

3) Redesigning of Courses and Lesson Plans

Education is also a learning opportunity for teachers. There is a need to redesign to achieve improved results. Through analytics, teachers can point out the students that have challenges understanding concepts. They can then decide the best approach to take for improvement.

Analytics will also inform the best technologies to make the learning experience seamless.

4) Measuring Performance

Measuring and evaluating performance is a critical process in learning. Learning analytics in this process will reap better results than the traditional approach. Before, tests only determined the performance of learners. The learning analytics approach is better and more comprehensive.

Through learning analytics, educators can assess how learners grasp concepts. With this, they can gauge the effectiveness of their teaching techniques. Analytics gives detailed feedback on students’ performance. That is from how fast they can understand concepts to their performance in assessment tests.

Analytics provides the educators with information on students’ annual performance and allows them to compare their performance between terms and inform on improvement strategies.

5) Tracking Engagement

Tracking students’ engagement goes a long way in helping educators customize lesson plans that the students are most likely to respond well to. Analytics will also help the educators point out the time the students spend on specific topics or even a given type of learning materials.

The more time spent on a given course, the better engagement the students have with it. This helps the educators decide the knowledge transfer media and techniques to use.

Take Away

There is a need for K12 institutions to adopt data-driven teaching. Schools that have adopted the culture are already reaping the benefits as they are able to make data-driven decisions that enhance the quality of education and learning outcomes.

Learning analytics tools provide educators with detailed learning reports. Educators are able to understand patterns that can help them with decision making. For instance, by seeing the learning materials the learners use more, they can decide that they will be using the specific medium to share learning materials with the students.

By identifying performance patterns, educators can point out the students who need more attention to particular topics. Learning analytics also helps educators understand the students’ strengths and weaknesses, informing their designs on the best, personalized lesson plans.

Educators need learning analytics tools to teach students and achieve high performance. As in other industries, there is a need to leverage big data to make informed decisions. Be it choosing learning materials, redesigning course modules, and providing extra support to students who have trouble grasping concepts. Learning analytics is what every K12 school needs for effective teaching.

There are tons of learning analytics tools available. The best are ones that sync with teaching objectives and operational structure. That way, you will enjoy better performance, engaging classes, and also heightened students’ morale. Soon learning analytics will be the talk in K12.