
10 Rules for Improving Memory

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By Rohan Pandya


Memory is a copper board covered with letters, which time imperceptibly smoothes out if sometimes it is not resumed with a carver, but very accurately expressed about the mechanism of memory functioning. And if you do not want the information stored in your brain to resemble an old abandoned library, where there are a lot of books, but it is impossible to find what you need – use all available tools for training your skills.

Rules for Improving Memory

Now let’s skip the metaphors and focus on simple rules and techniques by paper writing services to help improve your memory.

1) Read

Read a book at least a few times a week. Not the news in a newspaper or magazine or a social media feed, but books. In 2013, The Telegraph published reports from scientists at the University of Liverpool, who conducted a study on the relationship between reading and memorization ability. In the experiment, volunteers were read the works of the English classics while scanning their brain activity. As a result, it was found that the original text in Old English is remembered better and makes the brain work harder than adapted modern versions. But this does not mean that it is necessary to go to booksellers and look for “Capital” in a pre-revolutionary edition. Australian researchers, in turn, compared the memory of those who read regularly and those who do not. Guess who has better memory?

2) Optimize daily tasks

Multitasking on the verge of draining your physical and mental energy kills the best memory. More and more experts in time management assure that it is impossible to remember everything, and it is unnecessary. Good memory is not when you can keep in your head all the little things (walk the dog, buy milk, write a monthly report), but when you can easily remember all the necessary information at the right time. And although the capabilities of the human brain are limitless in theory, it is like a computer memory in practice. So make a habit of writing down insignificant details on external sources – use paper to-do lists, diaries, or special programs.

3) Work in a Quiet Place

Usually, it is quiet in the library, not because it is a custom or for discipline, but to create an environment as conducive to concentration and memorization as possible. When we are focused on one thing, and distractions are eliminated, memory works better. It’s all obvious, so when you have to learn a verse, prepare for a test or an exam, memorize a speech or a presentation – provide the appropriate environment. Close the window, turn off the TV, radio, music (although there are people who concentrate better under it), ask not to distract you, and do not be distracted yourself. By making such uncomplicated preparations, you will be able to work with high productivity.

4) Get enough sleep

If you’ve ever been sleep-deprived, you’ve probably noticed a strange, “foggy” feeling the next day. In this condition, the ability to remember, and the brain’s productivity in general, falls. If the body is constantly exposed to lack of sleep, not only will the remembering of new information deteriorate, but the processes of forgetting old information will be accelerated. It happens because the brain needs proper rest. And no matter how you do not convince yourself to the contrary, it is hardly worth arguing with nature. So when faced with a choice: one more episode of a good show or sleep, always choose rest. The memory and other physiological mechanisms of the body will only be grateful for it.

5) Develop your creativity

Many famous artists and other creatively gifted people had a developed visual memory. It is because memory and imagination, as processes, are closely connected. In fact, without vision, it would be unthinkable to recreate past information. And in general, we remember better what we can imagine. On this basis, the development of creativity is necessary to train a good memory. In addition, it involves the right hemisphere, which has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The easiest ways to do this are creative hobbies and educational games. The latter can also include such exercises – take a pencil or pen and start drawing everything that comes into your head; it is also possible to take a pencil in each hand and draw different figures or pictures simultaneously.

6) Keep a diary or outline

Strict teachers did not invent notebooks to keep students in line. No, it’s a good and effective method of organizing information that makes it easier to remember. Therefore, whenever you have an opportunity to write down the essence – do not neglect it. If, for various reasons, you can do without an outline, make a diary. You don’t have to take notes every day, but writing down your thoughts and what happened to you is a great memory exercise that trains your brain to be toned down.

7) Eat Right

When our memory works, specific chemical reactions are triggered in the body that depletes useful substances, primarily phosphorus and calcium salts. And in general, the brain, especially in periods of active loads, needs to be recharged. Do not forget about fish, berries, and nuts. A detailed list of valuable products with descriptions of their properties is collected in the thematic article.

8) Organize your workspace

Order in your mind begins with order on your desk. It is not necessary to direct energy flows with the help of feng shui, but it is essential to put them in order and prepare accordingly before you start studying something. That way, you will have no room for distraction, and everything you need will be at your fingertips. When you need a pen or a post-it notebook, but do not have to rummage through the piles on your desk, it will not only keep you organized but also save time.

9) Play games

Memory games are valuable because they combine utility and entertainment. And don’t let the simplicity of often seemingly childish games mislead you – not every adult has no problem with them. Gamification each year takes an increasingly important place in the educational programs of schools and institutions of higher learning. So combine the usual game of solitaire with other games for memory development. They can easily be found on the Internet and played online.

10) Say “no” to bad habits.

First of all, we are talking about alcohol and smoking. Numerous studies have confirmed that smokers have a worse memory than non-smokers. Things are even worse with alcohol. Alcohol abuse in general negatively affects brain function by damaging the central and peripheral nervous systems. But doing sports and even trivial walks in the fresh air saturates the brain with oxygen and improves memory. So make the right choice!

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Rohan Pandya

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Rohan Pandya is an Independent Journalist, Blogger, Youtuber, and entrepreneur who loves to explore the latest technology on the web every day. He thinks When You Are Young You Believe The Possibilities Are Endless.