For an instance, the majority of people may think that Wuthichai Chantaraj who is 19 years old is Janla Namuangrak’s, 59, nephew, son, or for that matter even grandson. But, the reality is completely different. They are supposedly a couple and have been dating for about two years.
Wuthichai met Janla when he was just 10 years old when the latter moved next to his family home in the Akat Amnuay district of Thailand’s Sakhon Nakhon province.
The couple first had a conversation at the time when Janla requested Wuthichai’s assistance with cleaning and tidying up her home. He without hesitation turned to help her, and in the period of moving her potted plants and also doing chores for the woman quite every day, the two became friends.
The couple has been dating for 2 years now and they often go on dates in restaurants located in town.
The couple gives zero attention to people who have negative to say regarding their age gap and are not embarrassed about displaying love and affection in public towards each other, by holding hands and kissing each other.
Although they were pretty good friends, things changed when Wuthichai turned 17. He began having feelings for Jane, and they consequently became a couple. They came out with news of their relationship with their families at the beginning of this year, and their love story has occupied the limelight in Thailand.
“I have been with Janla for two years now. It’s the first time in my life I felt like I wanted to make sure someone was living comfortably,” Wuthichai informed. He also revealed that he saw her in a not so well maintained house and began thinking of ways to enable her to live in a good and proper condition. Wuthichai also said that his girlfriend is quite a hardworking woman and honest.
While Janla revealed that being with Wuthichai makes her feel young again. Janla said that she separated 20 years back, with whom she had three children and who are all in their 30s now.