Yes you saw it right, The Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has changed his profile picture to show his support for Digital India. The much hyped meeting of Mark Zuckerberg and Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India at Facebook headquarters Townhall Q&A. People have already started talking about Narendra Modi’s campaign on the internet.
Mark Zuckerberg Mentioned :- I changed my profile picture to support Digital India, the Indian government’s effort to connect rural communities to the internet and give people access to more services online.
It is more like a welcome to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the upcoming meeting between them. Every one can watch the entire event live on the internet.
Narendra Modi appreciated Mark Zuckerberg’s initiative about changing his profile picture into tri-color by saying in a post that – “Thanks Mark Zuckerberg for the support. I changed my DP in support of the efforts towards a Digital India.”
Guys when The Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg is showing support to the campaign Digital India then why should we stay behind? Everyone should change there profile picture and stand as ONE NATION!
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