Ways To Not Be Convicted Of Plagiarism in an Essay

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By Rohan Pandya


Most of the ideas have already been said by someone, many scientific topics have already been studied, most emotions have been described by poets, and theories have been put forward by scientists. Meanwhile, the question of how to write a high-quality essay based on fundamental works while not being convicted of plagiarism is still open. That is the topic that will become the focus of our article.

The study and use of thoughts belonging to other figures in writing is not a violation of copyright law, but you should quote and indicate sources correctly. We will share the secrets of writing a plagiarism free essay with you. Find the answers to troubling questions.

What Is Plagiarism?

To avoid plagiarism, it is necessary to delineate the boundaries of what this term means. According to the Oxford Dictionary, we conclude that plagiarism is the appropriation of someone else’s ideas. At the same time, you do not indicate the authentic author of the concept. Surprisingly, there is also the concept of self-plagiarism. It implies that you reuse your new scientific work or academic paper, your formulations, without indicating the initial source of information.

Plagiarism in an Essay

What can make my paper plagiarized?

When writing an assignment, you may encounter many pitfalls. It should be noted that there are many types of plagiarism. You need to understand what exactly they are and avoid them at all costs. The professional writers of PapersOwl, who always create plagiarism-free essays, have compiled a list of widespread types of copying and their proper characteristics. Let’s look at the most common varieties of plagiarism:

  • Complete plagiarism: as the name implies, this means complete copying of the work of the author and issuing it as your own developments.
  • Source-based plagiarism: this includes the process of giving a false or non-existent root of information. It can be used deliberately or unintentionally.
  • Direct plagiarism: very similar to a Complete one, this type of plagiarism refers to word-to-word copying of another author’s writing. The difference is this category copies some fragments of the work and not the entire article.
  • Self-plagiarism: This is copying fragments or rotten text that you had written earlier without indicating it as a quote and without giving a link to a previous work. This kind of plagiarism is often unintentional.
  • Paraphrasing: such a technique means not a complete copy-paste of the idea but denouncing it. In other words, it is a retelling of the original text.
  • Misattribution: this is also often a mistake made due to a lack of awareness. The author attributes the authorship of the idea or quote to the wrong source.
  • Accidental plagiarism: some of the above varieties may be unintentional plagiarism. This implies accidentally plagiarizing fragments of information or even paraphrasing them but includes the absence of references to the author. The distinctive feature, in this case, is the cause, which is incompetence in the field of quotes.

In general, you need to understand that plagiarism is not only about copying a sequence of three or more words. It’s about borrowing someone else’s idea without giving credit to the author. You should respect copyright if you want to get a high score for the essay.

How To Avoid Plagiarism in My Essay?

To avoid accusations of plagiarism when writing an essay, you need to adhere to the milestones of quoting. You will be able to avoid problems and get high marks if you follow the main rules. Whenever you are ready to give up on memorizing countless requirements for academic works, you can buy plagiarism free essays online. Let’s look at the key principles of borrowing ideas, using quotes correctly and how not to get caught plagiarizing.

Include direct quotation

It is to your advantage to use a direct quote in the verbatim formulation of its author. Then include the reference in the list of sources, indicating the author and the title of the work from which the borrowing was made. Before making a list of used resources, carefully study the requirements. References require clarity and order.

Get acquainted with citation rules

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the generally accepted citation formats. They differ depending on the resources cited. The order of registration of the reference is different for books, magazines, articles, online publications, and websites. Visit the library, search online or ask professional writers to clarify the format for you.

Inspire with the idea

Avoid plagiarism in a more creative way. You have the right to study the available resources and get inspired by the opinion. Often, studying the materials will also give you the right thoughts and an impetus to write an essay. This is a much more creative approach, and your idea does not have to be radically opposed to the authentic resource. You can also mention whose work you were inspired by.


Be very careful about paraphrasing. Choose an idea that interests you, highlight its main essence, and state it in other words. It will not be enough just to replace some adjectives and adverbs with others to avoid plagiarism. It will be necessary to completely change the structure of what is written. You are not supposed to copy the initial text. Keep that in mind.

Resort to a plagiarism checker

Another reliable way to avoid getting caught plagiarizing is to use an online checker tool. It is the easiest solution to detect plagiarism and rewrite it before handing in your study. Plagiarism detection instruments are widely used nowadays. They are available in online essay writing services.

Resort to a plagiarism checker


Remember that whenever you struggle to come up with your own ideas, you should use the help of professionals. The authors will create plagiarism free essays for you based on the requirements mentioned by your institutions. There are loads of reasons to resort to expert help. This option is a timesaver, as getting acquainted with citation policies alone takes a lot of energy.

Robbing someone else’s idea is never an option. It is vital to respect each other’s intellectual property. The choice of whether to plagiarize or not is always individual. However, remember that it is illegal and will endanger your mark and reputation. Being knowledgeable in the domain of your essay is not enough. We should all stick to conventional rules to maintain the scientific society as an ecological field for sharing thoughts.

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Rohan Pandya

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Rohan Pandya is an Independent Journalist, Blogger, Youtuber, and entrepreneur who loves to explore the latest technology on the web every day. He thinks When You Are Young You Believe The Possibilities Are Endless.