One cannot buy happiness, but one can surely buy worthwhile gifts – which is pretty much the same thing if it is leaving your loved ones with a smile.

While life gives you a hundred reasons to celebrate, gifting can become very challenging. An ideal gift for a perfect occasion seems like a distant fairytale especially when you standing like a fool in a gifting store.

It’s an art – and if done right, even the smallest of the present can leave a lasting impact on a person. Although one needs to acquire the art of gifting, we have made things a step easier for you.

This is a blog on gifts. A well-curated list of seven timeless gifts that will never fail you on any occasion. Be it a birthday, wedding, graduation, or even thanksgiving, these gifts always stand out and leave the deepest impression.

Because “to give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.”

1) A Handmade Custom Portrait From PortraitFlip

Portraits are the perfect gift for any occasion. It can do the sorcery of growing over a person and keeping aside all the fancy gifts, a portrait can evoke a lot of unsaid, suppressed emotions in a person.

While the rest of the gifts lay somewhere in the attic, a portrait will be hung with pride on the walls of their home. Interestingly, their house will keep shifting but your gift will stay exactly where it is.

You may want to trade a portrait for a gadget when choosing a gift, but art surpasses the circumference of the clock. It’s like a good wine, only grows stronger and better with time.

PortraitFlip offers wonderful mediums and categories for a handmade custom portrait. From Couple Portraits and Family Portraits to Pet Portraits, there is a never-ending gallery to choose from.

With a TrustPilot rating of 4.7 out of 5, PortraitFlip lets professional artists handle your portrait delivering guaranteed 100% customer satisfaction.

So, if you have made up your mind for this one, you know which door to knock!

2) Classic Red Wine Basket

Who doesn’t love some wine and cheese? Without thinking much, you can blindly go for a well-blended red wine with an assortment of cheese gourmets.

It’s a celebration, and the celebration always calls for good alcohol. Leave the taste of a classy KRSMA Sangiovese on the lips of your loved ones.

The deep and inviting aroma of wine and the distinct flavor of cheese will put a smile on their face with a high decent enough for jazz dance. Elegant, luscious, and perfect to get the party started.

A classic red wine basket never goes out of style. It is the safest that you can play.

3) Plants

The most thoughtful gifts are always green.

“Be it plants or some clean Mary Jane (the ones who know, know).”

Plants are graceful and it adds to the beauty of both the giver and the receiver. A lasting gift that can never be taken away from the receiver.

With the growing environmental issues, having a plant will be synonymous with being rich. You are not just gifting a showpiece; you are gifting life.

If you know a person who loves being amidst nature, you can also plant a tree in his name. There is nothing more satisfying than owning a tree!

4) Fragrances

In the words of Elizabeth Taylor “The beauty of fragrance is that it speaks to your heart…and hopefully someone else’s.”

Did you know that fragrance and memory are intertwined? Smells are taken care of by the olfactory bulb that is located right in front of the brain that sends information to the central system of the body.

Having said that smells take the limbic route that is related to emotions and memory. This is why every time you pass by that alley clamped with food stalls; it reminds you of your granny.

That’s how deep and impactful fragrances can be. Every note will bespeak an emotion, and every scent will remind them of you.

Get your loved one the best fragrance to go with their personality and thank me later! It’s like gifting them their first impression.

Because, “Ladies, a man will never remember your handbag, but he will remember your perfume.”

5) Gift Cards

Gift Card-min

I would like to call a Gift Card, to each his own. A gift card is the best escape when you can choose.

Instead of gifting something completely off target, give them a gift card. It will give the person the freedom to buy himself whatever he wants to, and whenever he needs it.

There are a variety of gift cards available for online shopping for every occasion. So, if you want your loved ones to have a family portrait on Christmas, you can get them a gift card from PortraitFlip.

Additionally, you can customize the gift card too, to make it look a little warmer and more personal.

6) Wooden desk organiser with a docking stand

Also, you can gift a wooden desk organiser with docking stand to your partner and surprise them. This gift will help your partner keep their desk tidy. It is made of solid ash and has a very versatile and elegant design.

While the art of gifting is taking new frames and wrappings every day, these are a few little things that will never go out of fashion.

If you are still confused about a perfect gift, give your presence and time to a person. Nothing feels worthwhile and complete than the times with your loved ones.

So, go grab your best outfit and have the time of your life with your folks.

“The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention.”