
These Technologies Are Transforming Dental Care

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By Rohan Pandya


Adults over the age of 35 lose more teeth from gum diseases than cavities. Fortunately, there have been a lot of advances in the tech field of dental care. Technology has made it easier for dentists to be able to find and repair issues with oral health.

These Technologies Are Transforming Dental Care

Large Strides in Dental Implants

As people get older, they can lose teeth for a variety of reasons. In fact, 30% of them who are between 65 and 74 years old don’t have any natural teeth. Fortunately, there are options now for whole-arch dental implants. The technology has been refined to the point that it’s easier to map out the location of the implants, which can eliminate a lot of clinic visits. The people who are missing those teeth are now going to be able to feel confident when it comes to talking and smiling around people.

Innovations in Mouthguard and Aligner Materials

In the past, the materials for these types of things were limited. Now there are composite materials that are much more durable, which can ensure that the aligners and dental mouthguards can be cleaner than ones that are made of other types of materials. On top of that, there are materials that can be made to help with people’s mineralization and also restore their enamel, which is extremely important when it comes to protecting teeth against cavities.

More Remote Dentistry

We’re now in what seemed to only be in the realm of science fiction. It’s very real, though. Dentists can work on the teeth of people who are hundreds, if not thousands of miles away. This presents a lot of options to those who need specific dental procedures and the people in their town or even rural area might not have that knowledge. It can just be hard to shake hands with the dentist after the procedure is done.

There will also be the option of remote visits. Just like doctors have telemedicine, dentists can also have remote options where they can examine patients and see what sort of conditions they have in terms of their oral health. This can save the patient time, and it allows them to be comfortable in their own home throughout the visit. Just like the doctor, though, it’s not a comprehensive visit, and if the dentist notices something, or they aren’t entirely sure, they will ask the patient to come in for an in-person exam.

Growing New Teeth

Again, this might seem like something that’s only been seen on the silver screen. Yes, there have been strides toward making this a reality. People won’t have to get dental implants or dental bridges. Instead, they could have natural teeth grown and inserted into their mouths. This will be a great way to get healthy teeth again.

These are just some of the new technologies that are at the forefront of the field of dentistry. There will surely be new things that are discovered in the upcoming decades that will make these things look quaint. For example, there will surely be advances in imaging that will allow dentists to instantly look at each tooth in great detail and see if there is any plaque buildup or other dental conditions.

Even with this new technology, people aren’t going to the dentist enough. According to Gitnux, adults make an appointment roughly every three years. That’s not enough. It should be every six months. This way, dental professionals can ensure that their patients’ teeth and gums are as healthy as possible. That’s a good reason why you should want to show off your smile to everyone.

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Rohan Pandya

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Rohan Pandya is an Independent Journalist, Blogger, Youtuber, and entrepreneur who loves to explore the latest technology on the web every day. He thinks When You Are Young You Believe The Possibilities Are Endless.