With the advent of Smart problems, we need smart solutions. With the introduction of smartphones, people around are slowly becoming too busy with their smartphones and also have all their attention on the device all of the time. Even while crossing the road, yes, don’t look away; you are also one of them. You are probably reading this on your phone.
But this can go fatally wrong if you are glued to your phone while crossing the road. To overcome this South Korea has decided on a brilliant idea. In solution to this, South Korea has established traffic lights on the ground as well together with the age-old traffic lights on the poles.
Posted on the platform Twitter by a writer named Trung Phan, a video reveals this brand new feature at a zebra crossing. The video is uploaded together with the caption, “South Korea put pedestrian street lights on the ground cause so many pedestrians were staring at phones.”
A similar video was also posted on Twitter by an industrialist named Shrinivas Dempo, who labelled the people “Smartphone obsessed zombies- Zombies.” He penned down, “Sign of the times: Traffic signals move down to road level at this crossing in Seoul so that people they call “Smombies” (smartphone obsessed zombies) can safely cross the roads while using their smartphones.
The continuous growth in the rate of accidents at pedestrian crossings, the traffic lights were initially fitted on the street as a parcel of a trial project back in the year 2019. The object was to inform people walking by about when it is okay to cross the road while they were too busy glaring at their mobile screens and on the ground at the same time in place of looking up at the poles.
As per the Independent, the South Korean government also started an alert system the very same year that dispatches a notification to one’s phone if he is ready to cross a road together with installed live traffic information. As of today, the video was posted, and it has received more than 500k views and a hell lot of comments. The majority of people think the modern solution to the modern problem is a brilliant idea.
A man jotted, “Looks pretty cool tbh. I can imagine this to be helpful for car drivers as well at intersections where the cars and pedestrians have a green light at the same time.” One man noted “They were doing this when I lived in Shanghai in 2018, it’s brilliant. They started it after realizing people were looking down at their phones.”