PDF files have replaced almost all forms of Word documents and traditional files. They are being used everywhere, from schools to offices to banks to courts.

They offer an incredible ease. Back in the day, Ms. Word used to be the leader with Microsoft Office enjoying a large market share. However, it had its drawbacks including:

soda pdf

  • Large file size: You need a lot of space to install Ms. Word, which can be a problem for some users.
  • Slow and crashes: It’s very common for Word to crash, sometimes due to a bug and sometimes for no apparent reason.
  • Format issues: Formatting can be a trouble in the case of Ms. Word, especially when you include any form of chart or multimedia.
  • Compatibility issue: Ms. Word files often do not open properly if you try to open them on a version that they were not originally created or edited on. This can make it difficult to use Word files.
  • Not available on every platform: Ms. Word is not available on Apple devices including iPhones and Macs. This can be a problem for Apple users.

With Word files causing so many problems, there was a need to come up with a solution that we found in the form of PDF readers that allow us to open and edit all kinds of PDF files without any trouble.

There are several PDF readers on the market but our personal favorite is SodaPDF for a number of reasons. Its user-friendliness ensures that every person has an easy and useful experience with the software.

Here are 5 reasons why you should pick Soda PDF as your go-to PDF reader:

1) It is Free

Soda PDF comes in versions; the basic version which is free of charge, and a paid version that lets you enjoy additional features as well. However, if you are not looking to use a PDF reader for elaborate tasks, the free version will suit you perfectly. For more advanced projects, the paid version is a great option.

 2) Not just a Normal Viewer

Some PDF readers that only let you view your PDF file without giving you the option to edit them. However, not this one. Soda PDF lets you do a lot more including sharing your files via the cloud.

3) All its Editing Features

Soda PDF has all the editing features you could possibly think of. It lets you edit the layout and format of your document, add or remove pages, and even view them side-by-side.

4) Security

You can password protect your confidential and classified files and limit people’s interaction with them by changing the settings to ‘view-only’, so that they cannot edit or make changes to the content.

5) E-Signing

E-signatures are considered legitimate in many industries today. With Soda PDF you can e-sign documents and save time and money.

Also View: Full Form Of PDF

The benefits of SodaPDF are clear. Give it a try today and see for yourself.