Recently Kiara Advani the famous Kabir Singh movie girl turned 27 and and celebrated her birthday with family and friends in a lavish party. Kiara looked stunning like always, On her special day she was seenwearing a white crop top and matching skirt.

Trust us! She was looking damn beautiful and since then we have made a major crush on her, She is beautifully gorgeous. She posed for few photographs before and after the party. Also she has shared some photos on Instagram of her party with friends.

Kiara was all smiles in the party. Checkout some of photos where se posed with her friends and family.

Celebrities who attended her birthday bash includes her Kabir Singh co-star, Jabariya Jodi actor Sidharth Malhotra, Karan Johar, Manish Malhotra and many more.

Preeti actually looks pretty in this white dress

Kiara Advani with here Kabir Singh Co-Star Shahid Kapoor

One click with the Family

Kiara with Sidharth Malhotra

Karan Johar and Manish Malhotra seen at Kiara’s bday bash

We wish Kiara a very bright future ahead.