In China, there is a building named “Dystopian Apartment,” which recently had a lot of public reactions which led it to go viral on the social media platform TikTok. The building can host somewhere around 30,000 residents at a single time. The short video was posted by a user named @fatheristheone with the help of a drone he was able to get the interior and the unique design of the building which made people interested in the building as the video shows how enormous the building is. Many fictional novels are available regarding the Dystopian society where in most cases the people live in fear or have been dehumanised.

Somehow China managed to have an apartment building which can have 30,000 residents. Additionally, society has everything residents need for survival and a healthy lifestyle.

Eye-catching Features of the Dystopian Apartment

This dystopian apartment in China is called the Regent International which is located in Hangzhou’s central business district of Qianjiang Century City. Regent International was originally designed by a famous chief designer, Alicia Loo who has designed a 7-star hotel called the Singapore Sands Hotel.

Regent International currently has 20,000 residents with 675 feet tall infrastructure which is shaped as an S shape and has 36, or 39, floors according to where you are at the building.

‘Dystopian’ Apartment Block

As there are a huge number of residents living under one roof it is one of the most populated areas in the world. Also, the building offers various other amenities that are necessary for survival and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The amenities include restaurants, swimming pools, and nail salons. It also has its grocery stores with internet cafes.

As the building is filled with such amenities residents usually don’t find any need to step outside. The residents living in the building are mostly young professionals and college students who can enjoy a variety of benefits as the building offers cost-effectiveness with comfortable living.

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How the apartment can prove to be a better investment

Regent International can prove to be a wiser state of investment as the residents have possibly every amenity they need for living. With the convenience of doorstep availability, they also enjoy factors like affordability for example you can get units with varying sizes and costs which usually range from 1,500 RMB to 4,000 RMB. Although some people are calling this building a “dystopian apartment,” there are others who are inspired and praise this innovation. Not only that but the place has also been mentioned as  “the most sustainable living building on earth.”

As the US is facing the housing crisis such “dystopian apartments” can serve as a model on how the government of the U.S. will be able to make a roof for people without taking much of a land space.

dystopian apartment building china

In conclusion, Regent International is a perfect example of sustainable living and how a government with less land space available can make the most out of it. Although such types of buildings provide less privacy as there is less space gap for neighbours. This could be a major drawback for people who enjoy their own little space.