
How Can I Prepare for GMAT Without Coaching?

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By Rohan Pandya


Are you a graduate looking to advance your career or diversify into a profession with an MBA degree? GMAT is your best bet to get into a B-school program of your choice. GMAT is undoubtedly a highly competitive exam and there are tons of great coaching options available for aspirants. However, if you do not have the time, money, inclination or any other reason to not be take coaching, it is still entirely possible to crack your test with diligent preparation and GMAT Online Course preps. However, you need to create a plan and work out a strategy to ensure that you are not lagging.

Start preparing early

If you are not planning on taking coaching it is best to start preparing early. You will need some time to understand the test, its format, structure and pattern, and make strategies accordingly. Give yourself the time to figure it all out so that you do not have to rush yourself or worse, prepare without enough research.

Make a schedule

Discipline is the key to self-study. When you go for a coaching, there is always someone breathing down your neck with deadlines, tests and assessments. That, however, is not there when you prepare alone. Therefore, you need to make a study schedule, with adequate emphasis on every section so that your preparation is balanced and comprehensive.

Set realistic goals

Setting your goals and targets is very important. This helps you assess how far you have come and how much farther you have to go. Start with small, realistic and achievable goals as it gives you confidence and hope. Then you can slowly push yourself harder, a little every time. Reward yourself after you achieve every target to motivate yourself for more.

Seek online guidance

There are a number of free as well as paid online classes and guidance available. If you work, do not have the time to attend coaching, or live too far away from one, online classes are excellent, and they can be mostly customised to suit your needs. There is a huge treasure of free materials and study guides which you can study too. You can prepare for your GMAT irrespective of where you are and when you can manage.

Find community

Connect with other GMAT aspirants, be it on social media or any other portal. This will help you compare schedules, clear doubts, and prepare better for your exam. You can quiz one another, evaluate and assess your situation and prepare accordingly. The mutual help and motivation go a long way in aiding your preparation.

Take mock tests

Mock tests are very useful in determining how far you have come and where exactly do you need to work better. The test results come as a handy guide to evaluate and improve yourself.

With some discipline, practice and focus, it is not impossible to crack GMAT without taking extra coaching. The syllabus is not too hard, it simply requires proper planning, strategies and time management to get your desired programme with good scores.

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Rohan Pandya

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Rohan Pandya is an Independent Journalist, Blogger, Youtuber, and entrepreneur who loves to explore the latest technology on the web every day. He thinks When You Are Young You Believe The Possibilities Are Endless.