
Daughter & Mother Duo Makes History, Flies A Commercial Flight Together

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By Shreya Srivastava


Women are under-estimated, and that’s why it is important for women to create history, and they are doing it for an era! You can’t even imagine how much women can make you feel proud. Flying commercial flights are no less than a challenge but if a mother and daughter are flying it together, it is as easy as making cheesecakes! Yes, you read it correctly!

Donna Garrett, and her mother Captain Suzy Garrett, both the daughter and mother works as a pilot for SkyWest Airlines, and they got a chance to flew an airplane altogether.

Suzy is currently 56, and she has been awarded the tag of the “first women pilot” hired by SkyWest Airlines, and she has been working for the organization for 30 years now. The whole Garrett family is in the flying business for many years, and they are highly proud of their family members, and their love of flying airplanes.

Donna is currently 26 years old, and she told sources that since her childhood, she has been looking noticing the love of her family towards aviation, and she got the inspiration of flying from her parents themselves.

The whole family and the world is feeling proud today because of this record added into the book of wonderful history. We hope they will keep flying together for more years.

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Shreya Srivastava

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Hola readers, shreya is my name! So, am I a girl with big dreams or am I a traveller? Well, none of them! I'm just a simple girl who loves to write twisty and creative content for her readers to educate them regarding what's going on in the world!