Amid the rising number of cases in Mumbai, Maharashtra cabinet has taken a huge decision. As per the recent information, there will be a complete lockdown in all the containment zones in Navi Mumbai. There are over 10 containment zones in Navi Mumbai, which collectively constitute 71000 Houses within these regions.

Because of a huge spike in the number of cases in Navi Mumbai, cabinet minister Eknath Shinde announced this decision. In order to prevent the chaos among the people, the lockdown will initiate from 29th June. While it will stay till 5th July.

It is noteworthy that earlier because of quick lockdown without due notice, there was a huge shortage of essential goods. Hence, this time people are given a day and a half for preparations.

What are the rules of this Lockdown?

navi mumbai

This lockdown will not be different than the previous lockdown. Apart from medical emergencies and purchasing essential goods, no movements of people will be allowed here. Besides that, the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) will carry out testing of citizens in large numbers.

At present, the total number of cases in Navi Mumbai is around 5853. Out of them, 2365 are active cases. A similar situation is prevailing in entire Maharashtra. With 1,52,767 total number of cases in the state, it is the epicenter of COVID19 in India. There are 65,829 active numbers of cases in Maharashtra.

NMMC is also working with dedication to spreading awareness. There are 23 hospitals and 4 clinics in the region for testing of the people. Around 32000+ people have got tested in them till now. Apart from that, any person who needs any consultation can contact NMMC experts on their helpline number 022-27567269.

On 26th June, India saw a rise of 18000+ cases taking the tally of total cases above 5,00,000. Corona warriors are working with complete dedication but the power of COVID19 is beyond our imagination. Let’s pray, Corona gets in control.