There are many people who are making money online. Here is an article about, A Couple Making $9000 Per Instagram Photo While Traveling – How? in which we are going to recite a story of Jack and Lauren, who are living a life making money from their photographs, Lets checkout this couple pics.
Couple Is Making $9000 Per Instagram Photo
Picture speak perfectly about any situation. Here is a graphical representation of their life.
Introduction to the Couple
Source: Instagram
A couple, living off traveling and taking photographs!
How many followers do they have?
Source: Instagram
As of now, Jack is having almost 2.8 million followers, whereas Lauren is just about to cross 2 million followes.
Who pays them?
Source: Instagram
Brands and Tourism countries pay them $3000 to $9000.
Their History
Source: Instagram
Before they met, Jack was a carpenter and Lauren a self-taught photographer.
Where did they meet?
Source: Instagram
They ended up with each other, 2 years ago in Fiji. Now, settled in Indo-Asia.
What are they doing now?
Source: Instagram
They manage to travel once every month to a different country.
How do they take photographs?
Source: Instagram
With the help of tripods and timer remotes, they take their photographs.
How much money do they make?
Source: Instagram
Their expense of their every trip is done from the selling of their photographs.
Their blog – Do you travel
Source: Instagram
They are also having a blog, Do You Travel in which they publish their photographs.
Editing of the Photographs
Source: Instagram
For editing the photographs, Lauren uses Lightroom from Mac.
Suitable time for Photography
Source: Instagram
Their perfect time for photography is an hour after sunrise.
No use of Mobile Applications
Source: Instagram
There isn’t any use for Mobile while editing the photos.
From where they get inspiration?
Source: Instagram
Their main source of inspiration is photograph from Pinterest and Instagram.
Also View : This Couple Travelled 15 Countries In 1 Year With 6 Month Old Child
Fulfilling their dream
Source: Instagram
Do you love the way they are following their dream?