
Coronavirus Recovery Rate in Mumbai is Now at 70%

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By Anupam Chaturvedi


Over time, there is a gradual increase in the number of COVID19 cases in Mumbai. With Unlock2 in the picture, there is a threat that the number of cases may rise higher. However, amid all of these bad news, there is a ray of hope emerging out for all the Mumbaikars.

What is the good news for Mumbaikars?

Coronavirus Recovery Rate in Mumbai is Now at 70%

As per the health department, the recovery rate of Corona patients in Mumbai is constantly improving. Although the total number of COVID19 cases in the city is around 92,720, there is a gradual increase in recovered patients. With 62,872 recovered patients, the recovery rate of Mumbai is at 70%, i.e. Higher than average Indian recovery rate.

Although 5288 patients have lost their lives till Monday, the conditions are much better than the rest part of the world. The only reason to worry at this point is the rising number of cases. On Monday, we witnessed an increase of 1,263 COVID19 cases.

If the cases will continue to rise at the same rate, then the shortage of health facilities in Mumbai may get severe. At present, the doubling rate of cases in Mumbai stands at 50 days. In order to combat the spread of COVID19, BMC and Maharashtra Government are continuously laying their efforts.

Till now, BMC has visited 34,64,028 houses for a survey of patients and checking the status of Corona in those regions. In Maharashtra, the COVID19 tally stands at 2,54,427 total cases. Out of them, 1,03,516 are active cases, while, 1,40,325 are recovered patients.

There is a strict lockdown in Maharashtra till 31st July. This is the only approach we are having right now to combat Corona. Stay Safe, Stay at Home.

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Anupam Chaturvedi

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Engineer, Poet, Social Worker, Author, Marketer by Profession! A proud son of Mother India.