The culture of Vadodara involves its craze for food. Whether it is 100-year-old food shops or the mushrooming roadside. The culture of Vadodara involves its craze for food. Whether it is 100-year-old food shops or the mushrooming roadside eateries, we love our food. So here is a list of 12 Eating Places In Vadodara We Can’t Live Without
1) Raju Omlet
2) Jagdish Farsan
3) Tasty Vadapav
4) Sangam Hotel Vadodara
5) Lalaji Na Bhajiya
6) Alla Rakha Sev Mamra
7) Manmohan Samosa
8) Rajasthani Kulfi House
9) Vishnu Chai
10) Swat Pani Puri
11) Canara Coffee House
12) Duliram na penda vadodara
Note :- All This Photos are Not our Creation. This photos are Sole Property of Its Producers n Owners. All Copyrights Belongs To Vishesh Kavi . We saw all this photos on Facebook and found it interesting so we are sharing it with our readers